Get in touch with our registered and recognised studs. Breeders listed here are members of the Livestock Assurance Program, committed to annually test their herd for CAE & JD and/or are part of the MAP program, they are registering imported genetics animals with DNA parental verification and identifying Myotonic carriers. Our Australian Miniature and Mini Nubian breeders are also commencing DNA testing their animals moving toward parent verification in the future. AGB Inc. Premium Breeders are committed to breeding toward purebred status and herd improvement.
Every stud listed here is currently breeding and registering animals. Almost all are show studs. Our Breeders will give you an honest evaluation of animals they have available and what might work for you. Our Premium Breeders can offer mentoring for newbies. And when you are looking for stud animals, do not let distance phase you - flying your stock is commonplace with minimal bio-security risk, and there are a number of road transport options.