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Welcome to our dedicated Australian Miniature Goat page.  Here you will find out about our Breed Standards and ideals for the Australian Miniature, along with the AGB Inc. registry and grading rules.  You can connect with our leading Australian Mini breeders here to find out more about this home grown miniature goat breed.  

The Australian Miniature Goat breed has a large number of dedicated, long-time breeders who have been working toward purebred status.  We have seen this hard work paying off over recent years with wonderfully consistent heights and type being achieved.

Aussie Mini does are trading around $1,000-$3,000, with bucks starting at $1,500 and Purebred bucks starting $2,500.  Many things will factor into the price of your animals - apart from the quality, there is the Grade to consider, the genetics in the pedigree, and of course for bucks, age will be a consideration.


Interested in getting into Australian Mini   goats or expanding your current herd?     Connect with a premium breeder here.


The Australian Miniature is a sturdy, genetically small, reasonably well-muscled goat that is well-blended displaying symmetry throughout.  As they come in a wide range of colours, coats, patterns and ear types, the 'Aussie' is best defined as uniformly balanced and proportional in their overall structure relative to their size.   When compared to the other breeds, you could say not as fine, angular or as long as a Nigerian, but equally not as heavy, full-barrelled or short-legged as a Pygmy.


GENERAL APPEARANCE stylish and alert, exhibiting balance in all positions.  Displaying femininity/ masculinity, balanced and well-blended throughout. Moves easily and correctly about the ring.


FRONT END assembly prominent withers blending smoothly from neck into topline. Shoulders tightly attached and elbows laid in against body wall. Deep and wide chest, with moderately extended brisket.


BACK, TOPLINE & RUMP strong and        straight, well defined vertebrae, topline slightly higher  at the withers, then leveling out through the chine and loin. Good width from loin to rump. Rump slightly angled downward. Tail head smoothly set slightly above well-defined pinbones. Tail symmetrical to body.


FEET & LEGS Strong and square legs. Front legs wide and under withers, back legs straight as seen from rear, and angled from side. Pasterns strong and flexible. Leg length should be in proportion to the body size, not overly long or very short. Feet pointing forward with toes close together, uniform from toe to heel.


Snr Doe 45, Jnr Doe 50, Buck 50 points


HEAD is balanced in length, width and depth; broad muzzle with full nostrils; even bite; alert eyes; strong jaw. Nose either straight or slightly dished. Neck is in proportion to the rest of the body and blending smoothly into shoulders. Any ear type is acceptable, symmetrical in appearance and placement. Any eye colour. Disbudded or polled.


BREED CHARACTER while diverse in coats, patterns and ear type, this breed is best defined as uniformly balanced and proportional in their overall structure relative to their size. A sturdy, genetically small, reasonably well-muscled goat that is well-blended displaying symmetry throughout.                          

COAT any coat type, colour combination or markings are acceptable in Australian Miniature.


SIZE - Does up to 57cm measured at withers.  Bucks up to 60cm. 

Snr Doe 20, Jnr Doe 25, Buck 25 points


BODY CAPACITY in proportion to the size of the animal, while providing ample digestive and reproductive capacity.


BARREL large capacity increasing in depth from heart girth to flank. Body capacity and depth appropriate with level of maturity for juniors.  


CHEST deep and wide chest with well sprung fore ribs that blends smoothly into the barrel.

Snr Doe 15, Jnr Doe 15, Buck 15 points


UDDER firm, rounded and symmetrical.  High, full, tight rear attachment blending smoothly into escutcheon.  Fore attachment well forward without a pocket blending smoothly into body.  Silky smooth, elastic, pliable but firm and free from lumps. 


TEATS cylindrical, symmetrically shaped and placed teats in proportion to the capacity of the udder.   Milkable and functional.  Free from deformities, obstructions or multiple orifices.                           

VULVA normal in size and shape.                           

BUCKS - Two fully descended testicles of even size, healthy and firm.  Two cylindrical teats of uniform length and size, symmetrically placed, free of deformities or multiple orifices.  Normal sheath.

Snr Doe 20, Jnr Doe 10, Buck 10 points


Disqualifying Faults: Disqualifying Faults: Wry face; overshot or undershot jaw; teats - double, supernumerary, multiple orifices, blind teat, sprigs, spurs; undescended testicle/s; split testicle over 3cm; hermaphrodism; does over 57cm, bucks/wethers over 60cm; horns or scurs over 5cm; serious emaciation; total blindness; permanent lameness; genetic hernia.


Faults to be judged on severity: Crooked or malformed feet, cow or bow hocked, dropped weak or long pasterns, postiness, splayed feet; roach or sway back, dip behind wither, loose shoulders, shallow body, narrow chest, steep rump, short rump, flat rump, decreasing width of rump; pendulous, fleshy, unduly divided udder, pocket, lack of capacity, undefined medial; uneven, bulbous, extremely small or thick, sideways pointing teats; folded ears; pendulous scrotum; divided scrotum over 1cm, scrotum small for age.


We have a traditional grading system for Australian Miniature Goats where the offspring can apply for one grade higher than the parents lowest grade.   

This Appendix grading system is D, C, B, A, AA, PB. Among the AGB Inc. members, this is a mature breed with the majority of animals grading as Purebred, and so we recognise and grade animals from B Grade. 

We also have some rules around Imported Genetics in the Australian Miniature Breed.  

Maximum imported genetics allowed to be registered and shown as Australian Miniature = 25%

Maximum imported genetics allowed in A grade = 12.5%

Maximum imported genetics allowed in AA Grade or Purebred = 6.25%

Animals carrying Imported Genetics will be identified as such in their registration name and registration number until they reach purebred status.  This will be represented as 'IG12.5' for example.  You will be able to find out details about the imported genetics on the animals record in Premium Breed (or from the parental pedigree).  Of course, the imported Pygmy and Nigerian Dwarf breeds are already recognised as miniature goats.

Once an animal carrying imported genetics has qualified as a Purebred, they will be graded as such and no 'IG' will be recorded in their registration name.

Animals with NO known imported genetics - ie 100% Australian miniature breeding upon reaching purebred status will be graded as 'AUS Purebred' as distinguished from those carrying imported genetics.

At 3 years or older, Grade AA must be measured and be within a maximum height of 57cm for does and 60cm for bucks.  If an animal is over this height, they will remain graded as AA.



Does 57cm, Bucks 60cm

Carrying no imported genetics


Does 57cm, Bucks 60cm

Carrying not more than 6.25% imported genetics


Provisional grade for registering the progeny of two A grade parents until the age of 3 years.  Providing this AA Grade animal meets the height requirement at 3 years old, they will be graded as Purebred or AUS Purebred.

Carrying not more than 6.25% imported genetics


Meet breed standard and carrying not more than 12.5% imported genetics


Meet breed standard and carrying not more than 25% imported genetics

This grading system applies for animals applying for grading from 1/7/2023 - ie born after 1/7/2020.   Only does and wethers born from 1/1/24 are eligible to enter as appendix animals.  Note that heritage animals/parentage records registered elsewhere and aged over 3 years may carry more than 25% imported genetics, and animals over 3 years may already be graded when entering our registry.


Existing ungraded animals should be a minimum Potential B Grade, and carry a maximum 25% total imported genetics for registration and showing.

The Australian Miniature is a mature breed and as Premium Breeders we are all working towards purebred status.  To this end, we have laid out our registry rules for the next 2 years so that Members can plan appropriate breeding, and manage their show team.  The registry rules and show rules are the SAME, and any changes apply from the date of birth.  

Bucks born from DOB 1/1/2024 will be at least Purebred or AA Grade for registration and showing.

Does born from DOB 1/7/2025 will be at least A Grade or Potential A Grade for registration and showing.

We are hoping to upgrade does also to purebred in 2026.


Check out some examples of Australian Miniature Goats owned and/or bred by our Premium Breeders.


The Australian Miniature breed is incredibly popular at shows across the country and dedicated breeders are constantly working for improvement in their herds.

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